Power as a Cultural System (2023)
Anthropology, Islam and Material Culture
Anthropology of Post-revolutionary Iran
Anthropology of Visual Propaganda: Iran-US relations since the 1979 Iranian Revolution
Anthropological Visions of Contemporary Iran: Religious Material Culture and Cultural Politics in Post-revolutionary Iran
Contemporary Iran, Interdisciplinary approach: Anthropology, History & Religion
Introduction to the Anthropology of Iran
Key Issues in Social Anthropology: Death and Revitalization Rituals
Media and Visual Anthropology of the Anthropocene: Oil and Reading the Soul of Things
Photography and Anthropology
Shi’ism in the United States
Shite Islam and Sufism through Persian Material Culture
The Material Culture and Mortuary Landscape of Islamic Iran
Visuality and Materiality of War and Memory: the case study of the Iran-Iraq War (1980-88)